Friday, February 13, 2015

Creamy-Dreamy Super Healthy Chocolate Mousse

Creamy-Dreamy Super Healthy Chocolate Mousse

This truly is delicious!  The first time I made this up and tried it, I couldn’t believe how yummy it was.  I felt like I was being bad and having a treat.


¾ cup Unsweetened greek yogurt

1 tbsp cocoa powder

1 tsp liquid stevia

½ tsp coconut extract (or almond extract or vanilla extract)

½ tsp cinnamon (optional)

If you like your sweets really sweet add ½ - 1 tbsp honey*

*Garnish (a few sprinkles of unsweetened coconut flakes, sliced almonds, strawberries or raspberries.)

Directions:  Combine the greek yogurt and the cocoa powder in a small bowl.  Then, add in the stevia and extract of choice and stir the blend.  Top with desired garnish.  Makes 1 serving.

Nutrition Facts:  Cals. 112   Fat 0.5g   Carbs. 9.75g   Fiber 1g   Protein 1g

*Nutrition facts do not include any garnish or honey.

A fun tip about cocoa: Cocoa has Flavanols which are a specific type of compound found in the Flavonoid classification.  Flavonoids are a plant based compound, found mostly from vegetables and fruits.  It has been proven by scientific studies that the bodies circulatory system is boosted after ingesting the flavanols from cocoa, which is great for cardiovascular health.  So, go ahead and have some of my Creamy-Dreamy Super Healthy Chocolate Mousse with some hot cocoa while you snuggle under the fleece blanket (The Easiest Fleece Blanket Ever! - from my DIY crafts page) with the cocoa mask on (Super Moisturizing & Anti-Aging Cocoa Face Mask - on my beauty regimes page).

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